Anz Certificate

ANZ Hot Shots Certificate

ANZ Tennis Hot Shots is a program designed to help every child, no matter their age or ability, jump in and start playing tennis. ANZ Tennis Hot Shots is played on smaller courts with modified equipment, including lighter racquets, lower nets and low compression balls that don’t bounce too high. .

Tennis Ceritificate

Tennis Australia Certificate

Tennis Australia has worked with the Australian Childhood Foundation to develop an on-line course and resource kit to provide coaches with the knowledge and resources to ensure they and their business are child-safe.

The Keeping the tennis community safe course will helps coaches comply with Tennis Australia’s Member Protection Policy and Safeguarding Children Guidelines. Coaches are encouraged to work with the clubs and venues to implement these policies in their local tennis environment.

From 1 September 2018, completion of the Keeping the Tennis Community Safe course is a mandatory requirement for all coach members to maintain active membership and insurance cover.



Core Certificate

Core Certificate

Core certificate of appreciation was awarded to Ashod for his work with refugees, providing tennis lessons to newly arrived, helping with integration, language skills and settlement in their new country.

Community Coaching Certificate

Tennis Australia Community Coaching Certificate

A great way to start your coaching journey, the Community coaching course is suitable for those who would like to begin coaching tennis, or who are currently coaching, under the guidance of a qualified tennis coach. This course trains coaches to develop the skills of junior tennis players with a focus on the ANZ Tennis Hot Shots program.

The majority of time during the course is spent on-court with participants actively learning to deliver coaching sessions where players serve, rally and score using modified balls, racquets, nets and courts appropriate to the developmental needs of junior players.

Tennis For Primary School Certificate

Tennis Australia Tennis for Primary Schools Certificate

The Tennis for Primary Schools programs and initiatives focus on the delivery of tennis in a modified environment which supports maximum participation and caters to the developmental readiness and individual needs of all students.

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Tennis Australia Tennis for Secondary Schools Certificate

The Tennis for Secondary Schools program aims to support all schools and teachers to deliver tennis in a modified environment to promote and encourage lifelong physical activity and health in students.